[Image - Academy Logo]

Academy College
1101 E. 78th Street
Bloomington, MN 55420

Calendar of Events

Winter Qtr. Registration
November 6th-26th
Half Graduation Party
November 15th
In-School Graduation Party
December 6th & 7th
Food for Finals Week
December 11th-15th
Last Day of Quarter
December 17th
Winter Qtr. Begins
January 8th

Directors List Summer 2006
The students listed below have maintained a cumulative GPA of 4.0 (based on academic progress through 9/24/06).

Bryan Bowen
Rob Cardinal
Michael Ferris
Michael Heck
Ian Hubbard
Timothy Koen
Tracy Logelin
Kellye MacLeod
Andrew Romine
Deborah Sampson
Randy Schrader
Todd Ubl
Mark Ulbricht

Honors List Summer 2006
The students listed below have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.60-3.99 (based on academic progress through 09/24/06).

Angela Andrea
Sherri Breitbarth Brummond
Roberto Diaz Jr.
Timothy Ess
Malinda Frandson
Ericka Halonen
Michael Johnston
Greg Krantz
Timothy Masterson
Patricia Ryan
Brian Schroeder
Brian Scriven
Isaac Slipek
Yoshimichi Tamura
Tara Terhorst
Anthony Wick


Jacinda Miller

Director of Finance:
Kellye MacLeod

Director of Admissions:
Marvin Kimble

Career Services/Student Liaison:
Tracey Schantz

Aviation Coordinator:
Kelly Bankole

Medical Coordinator:
Karen Peters

On-line Coordinator:
Ellen Paxton

Faith Moulin

Financial Aid:
Melissa Walter

Education Consultants:
Jake Dunham
Nicole Reed
Shelly O'Herin
Anne Willert

Student Services:
Kathy Gervais
Jessica Manfred

Report Absences:
Attendance Hotline

Kathy Gervais has joined our team in the Front Office. Kathy comes to us with many years of retail and customer service experience. Students and staff enjoy Kathy's energy and enthusiasm. Stop by and introduce yourself when you are on campus! Kathy is available from 12:30 - 9:30 pm Monday through Thursday and Fridays 8:00 - 5:00. Kathy's hours provide the opportunity for Academy College students to have their questions answered throughout the evening as well as have additional study time after class!

Academy College welcomes Anne Willert to our Admissions Department as an Educational Consultant. Anne is a graduate of The College of St. Scholastica, with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. She comes to us with over five years of management experience and previous admissions experience. She looks forward to using her knowledge and skills to help Academy College students achieve academic success.

Academy College also welcomes Nicole Reed to our Admissions Department as an Educational Consultant. Nicole is a graduate of St. Cloud State University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Originally from Chippewa Falls, Nicole enjoys helping students explore career options and assisting them in achieving their goals.

Students.... Final Grades from Summer Quarter 2006 are available for pick-up in the Front Office, Midterm Grades for Fall Quarter 2006 will be available for your pick-up on November 15th.

Student PC Computers only $100
Compar, an internationally recognized computer products reseller offers students refurbished computers for $100 + 3% fee if paying by credit card. Package includes (minimum specs): 933MHz Processor or better, 128MB RAM or better, 6GB Hard Drive or larger, Internal Modem, Windows 2000, 17 inch color monitor.
Store Hours are 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Mon-Fri. Compar is located at 10301 Yellow Circle Dr., Minnetonka. Please contact Compar directly with any questions at 952.945.0300 or visit them on the web at www.comparinc.com/students.

Library News
Have you missed the library instruction training? Do you have to do a paper or research for one of your classes? Then this short training session is for you. It will introduce you to the wealth of information that is available through the library. You will learn how to search the school’s online subscriptions services including EBSCO, ProQuest, World Cat, InfoTrac, and Britannica Online. Plus you’ll get tips on how to write more efficient Internet searches. And then there is an added benefit - free cookies after the session. Please contact Faith Moulin, the librarian, to set up a time.

We are pleased to share five success stories from the Medical Program. They all have completed the Medical Assistant certificate program and are putting the skills they have learned to work in a clinic setting. After moving to the Mankato area, Sherrie Breitbarth Brummond is considering employment in four different specialty clinics in a much larger medical complex. Samira Gas, Medina Tolla, Amina Mohamed, and Samsam Ibrahim are using both their skills in Medical Assisting and their bilingual language skills to facilitate all around patient care. The students are finding working with physicians, other medical professionals, and patients to be very rewarding.

Career Corner
Are you currently employed in your field of study or a “related” position? Are you beginning to receive offers of employment that will ultimately assist you in stepping up or into your dream career? Is your phone ringing weekly with interview requests?

If you find yourself answering “no” to any of the questions above, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your résumé. Remember, the first step on your career path must be a strong résumé that clearly defines your accomplishments and qualifications. Think of your résumé as a promotional brochure about you. You need to show the employer what you have accomplished and where your experience lies. Your strategy should be to emphasize the experience and skill that a particular company is seeking. Your résumé is also an example of your communication and organizational skills.

Now that you realize the importance of finalizing and fine-tuning your résumé, let’s get it done! Academy College is now offering résumé Workshops twice a week. These are open to all Academy College students and graduates. Feel free to join us in the library at your convenience. Questions? Contact Tracey Schantz at 952.851.0066 or email.

résumé workshops take place on Tuesdays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and Wednesdays, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Please complete a “résumé Helper” prior to attendance. You will find the “résumé Helper” worksheet located throughout the school.